Rtd. Hon. Justice Patrick Tabaro

Title: – Consultant & Former Principal Judge of the High Court of Uganda
Organization: KTA Advocates
Justice Tabaro, served over thirty six (36) years in the Judiciary, starting out as a Magistrate in 1976 rising through the ranks to become a Constitutional Court Judge, Acting Principal Judge (President of the High Court) as well as serving as chairman of various Public Commissions of Inquiry and Specialized Courts such as the Non- performing Assets Recover Trust (NPART).
Justice Tabaro specializes in arbitration and mediation. While in the judiciary, Justice Tabaro chaired High Profile Commissions of Inquiry which included among others- probe into the expansion of the Owen Falls Dam, an over 100m USD World Bank Funded Hydro Electric Project 1996- 1997, and the Disciplinary Committee to Discipline Judicial Officers (appointed by Judicial Service Commission), 1989. Justice Tabaro heads the ARD practice of the firm providing arbitration and mediation services. Justice Tabaro is a certified neutral, on the Roll of arbitrators at the Center for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (CADER). Justice Tabaro is an ardent reader on Africology and is a regular contributor on the subject in the Sunday Vision Column entitled, African Heritage.
Sessions With Justice Patrick
Friday 25 Oct: Opening Remarks